Terms and Agreement

Last Update: 2025, 02, 26



In the interest of avoiding any confusion as to the terms of this agreement, we have included this section, which provides definitions for words that may ordinarily be considered ambiguous. Each of the emboldened words found within the list, below, will be accompanied by the meaning that it has in regard to this contract. It is important to note that the given meaning for each of the words remains the same irrespective of whether a word appears in its singular or plural form.

We, Us, and Our

We, Us, and Our refer to Birch and Ink.

You and Your

You and Your are words that refer to any entity that has chosen to visit this website.


An affiliate is any entity (e.g., employee, contractor, client, etc.) that we interact with in a business capacity.

Piece and Material

The use of the words Piece and Material refers to a body of work (e.g., a logo, marketing campaign, website, etc.)


An e-letter is the singular form of e-mail. It is a standalone digital letter/message and should not be construed as a digital newsletter.

Authorized Third Party

An Authorized Third Party is an entity that has been permitted by us to perform agreed-upon services.



The purpose of this contract is to establish the terms of our agreement with you. Your relationship with us from the date that this contract is signed — by all of the parties listed in the 'Parties' section above — is based solely on the terms of this contract, which shall remain in perpetuity until all parties have agreed in writing to either modify or terminate it. With this having been asserted, your engagement in this contract does not affect your obligation to comply with the terms that have been delineated in any previous agreements that you may have with us or other entities. Should a provision of this contract conflict with a provision of a previous agreement between you and us, then the provision of this contract shall supersede, and be retroactively applied to, the latter provision only (i.e., such a supersedence does not affect your required adherence to the other provisions of the previous agreement). Our decision to not enforce one or more terms of this contract does not invalidate any part of such a contract. Additionally, should at any point it be discovered that one or more aspects of this agreement are unenforceable, then such a discovery shall not affect the validity of, and your adherence to, the rest of this agreement.


About Us

Birch and Ink is a creative agency that provides clients with a suite of services that are tailored to meet the goals of each new project we choose to engage in. As an independent contractor, we are not bound by, nor do you benefit from, any of the policies that govern standard, employee-related activities. You are solely responsible for adhering to all of the applicable regulations that your government may impose upon you in regard to any project that you request that we carry out.


About You

You are an entity that has chosen to visit this website. You may be a lone individual or a representative who has been given express permission to act on behalf of an organization. By continuing to visit this website, you agree to fully read and abide by the terms of this agreement. If at any point you do not agree with the terms, then you must leave this website immediately.

When prompted to provide information regarding yourself, you must ensure that the information you provide is accurate and complete. You must provide your full legal name as it appears on your valid (i.e., non-expired) government-issued identification document. The physical address, telephone number, and e-mail address that you provide must be registered to you. If you are not the registered owner of one or more of the three communication channels, then you must have authorization from the registered owner(s) to use any one of them to communicate with us.


Business Relationship

We understand the importance of establishing and maintaining positive business relationships with our clients. With this knowledge, we strive to set the tone of our relationships with clients based on our initial assessment of them and their business models and/or personal goals. Throughout the journey of a project, we will decide the level of interaction required to carry out the goal(s).

By entering this agreement, you agree to exclusively deal with us on all matters pertaining to your project, with the exception of dealing with entities that provide services beyond the scope of the project (e.g. publishing, etc.). Your entry into this agreement also means that you are giving us express permission to carry out various tasks on your behalf, which may include, but are not limited to, fact-checking, interviewing relevant parties, creating illustrations based on content within the writing piece, opening various accounts, entering into contracts with third parties, providing third parties information pertaining to you, and/or substantially changing the structure of a piece that you have provided to us.

Additionally, entering this agreement does not entitle you to any rights to, or privileges of, our company. You are prohibited from engaging in any activity that would alter our company in any way. Such alterations may include, but are not limited to, entering into agreements with other entities.


Communication Channels

While some communication may take place via telephone, text, e-mail, and/or videoconference, we prefer that most of our communication with you regarding a current project take place utilizing the messaging features within the project management software. There will be no agreements made that have not been recorded (e.g., a record in print and/or an audio recording) by the authorized communication channel.

You must reply to any message that we send you within 15 days of you having received it. Your response must address the point(s) included in the message (e.g., you cannot simply send a response that indicates that you have received the message, send an emoji, address one point without addressing any other points, address a point in a nonsensical way, etc.)

If you would like to opt out of receiving text messages from us, then you may do so by sending a text with the words 'Opt Out' to the telephone number below. Additionally, if you would like to opt out of receiving e-letters from us, then you may do so by sending an e-letter with the words 'Unsubscribe' to the e-mail address below.

Authorized Channel(s)



Project Management Software


Telephone and SMS

(612) 326-9201



Individual Students

When you register for a class, your seat can only be filled by you, which means that your seat is non-transferable unless we have given you permission to have another entity take your place. You are responsible for ensuring that you arrive at least 5 minutes before a class begins. Your teacher may have you wait outside the classroom (in the case of an in-person class) or in a waiting room (in the case of a class held via videoconference) while he or she prepares for a session. You are also responsible for ensuring that you have the proper materials (e.g., paper, pencil, internet connection, properly functioning computer) to attend a class. Should you miss all or part of a class, then you can request that a copy of any literature that was handed out in the class be provided to you. Refunds will not be given for missed classes; we may, however, at our sole discretion charge you a catch-up rate for a coaching session (i.e., a private tutoring session). Being provided with a catch-up rate on one session does not entitle you to a catch-up rate for another one. Attending one or more of our classes does not guarantee that you will pass any tests given by us or third parties. No credits will be given for attending any of our classes. We are not responsible for any mishaps (e.g., injuries, loss of coursework, etc.) that may take place during and/or outside a class. You are prohibited from recording via audio and/or video all or part of a class. You are further prohibited from bringing one or more mobile phones, computers, and/or other devices to an in-person class.

You are required to treat us and other students in a polite manner. Should you behave in an upsetting manner, then we may remove you temporarily or permanently from the current class; we may also ban you from attending other classes. If such a case takes place, then you will not be given a refund for the class from which you are removed, irrespective of whether it is a standalone class or one session in a series of classes. If you have any qualms with the manner in which you are being treated, then we encourage you to notify your teacher as soon as possible by sending her/him a private message if you are attending a remote class, or, if attending an in-person class, by speaking with her/him quietly so that the other students cannot hear your conversation. We reserve the right to cancel a class for any reason that we see fit.

In some instances, we have a minimum number of students that a class must have to take place. In the event that the requirement has not been met, then we may cancel the class, and you will be given a credit that you may use for another class or one of our other services.


If you are an organization that is purchasing a class for a group, then the terms throughout this section (i.e., the information included above) apply to you (i.e., the staff and/or members) if you are attending a class at a Birch & Ink facility or via videoconference. If the class is conducted at your facility, then the second paragraph would apply to the students; however, if a member of staff engages in disruptive behavior, then the teacher may stop the class and contact us, at which point we would decide what actions he or she would take next, which may include canceling that day's class or the whole series (if applicable) and leaving the facility. In such a case, a refund may not be provided to you. Additionally, while we encourage staff and students to be helpful to our teachers, the manner in which a class is taught is solely at our discretion.

In regard to enrollment, you are responsible for ensuring that you provide our 'Student Submission Form' link to all of the prospective students via e-mail within 3 days of you having signed the contract for the class. Your e-letter to the prospective students must notify them that they are responsible for enrolling via the submission form within 3 days of having received it. Your e-letter should inform prospective students that the submission form is complete when they see a page that includes the words 'Successful Registration'. Prospective students who do not enroll on time may not be allowed to attend the class.



Our coaching is designed to teach students on a one-on-one basis. All of the terms that have been delineated in the 'Classes' section of this agreement would apply to our coaching services.



All of our teachers are independent contractors who have been vetted to ensure that they have the qualifications required to teach any class/coaching session that has been assigned to them. As independent contractors, they are considered third parties, which means that the terms that have been delineated in the 'Third Parties' section of this agreement apply to them.


Bespoke Services

The general details of a service will be delineated in writing before it can be purchased. The manner in which we carry out a project will be solely determined by us throughout the process.


Production Time

The estimated production time for a service will be given to you before a project begins. We only provide estimates, as some of the process may include you; thus, a project's completion date is highly dependent on your communication with us throughout the process. If you are quick to respond, then most projects are completed within the estimated production time. A project is considered complete when we have sent you the final piece, either in the form of an attachment or a link.


Revision Policy

Although we encourage you to provide feedback throughout the process of a project, all aspects of a project will be carried out at our sole discretion; thus, you are not entitled to any revisions.


Pricing and Payments


Irrespective of how a pricing figure appears (e.g., a quote, this website, etc.), it is subject to change at any time without notice. Pricing may be assessed by the word, page, hour, or project. Pricing based on a page has a cap of 500 words. Partial pages and hours are rounded up and are billed at the same rate as full pages and hours. Partial pages cannot be combined for billing purposes.


Any service that you purchase from us will be done so at a price that shall be determined on a case-by-case basis. Payment for a service will be made in U.S. Dollars before a project is undertaken. Payment delivery methods will be chosen at our sole discretion and may be carried out by check, credit card, debit card, ACH direct deposit, wire transfer, and/or an authorized third-party platform. Any fees (i.e., a membership fee, a flat fee per transaction, a percentage of a transaction amount, or a combination of two or more of these fee structures) that a third-party payment processor may charge for facilitating a transaction shall be paid by you. Should a check that you have written be returned to us by our bank as unpaid, then you will be held responsible for paying us a return check fee of $50.00 USD.



Projects are delivered via the method that we deem necessary. With this having been asserted, we will not be held responsible for any mishaps that may arise as a result of interacting with any of your accounts.



Either party (i.e., you and us) can initiate a cancellation of a service before its estimated completion date. A cancelation may automatically result in a forfeiture of any payment that you have made (i.e., you are not entitled to a refund). In the event of a cancelation, you agree to not hold our company responsible for any damages that you believe that such an act may have inflicted upon you or any other entity.

By Us

We may, at our sole discretion, choose to cancel a service at any time and for any reason. If we cancel a service due to your non-compliance with this agreement, then you will not be given a refund, nor will you be entitled to receive any part of an uncompleted service. If, however, we cancel a project for reasons that you are not responsible for, then a full refund will be issued to you in the form of a credit that can be used for other services.

By You

You may request the cancellation of any service that you have purchased from us at any time. Should you choose to do so, then you will not be entitled to a refund.



All sales are final. With this having been asserted, we may, at our sole discretion, provide you with a full or partial refund by either issuing a check, crediting your original payment method, or issuing a credit on your account with our company that may be used for future services. Such a company credit may have an expiration date by which it must be used; should such an expiration date be reached with all or a portion of the credit not having been used, then you will have essentially forfeited the credit. Forfeiture of a credit means that no other remedy can be sought.

Do note that the issuance of a partial refund on one project does not entitle you to a refund of the difference not refunded on the same project. Likewise, the issuance of a partial or full refund of one or more projects does not entitle you to a refund in any increment for any other project.



Our goal is to provide our clients with exceptional service. With this having been asserted, expectations and measures of success can vary from one entity to another; we do not guarantee that certain outcomes will take place, nor do we guarantee that you will be absolutely satisfied with all or part(s) of our service(s).

Additionally, we detest the dissemination of inaccurate information. Our goal is to ensure that all content that we provide to you is accurate. With this having been asserted, mistakes can happen, thus, we are not responsible for any damage that such a mistake may cause you.


Intellectual Property Ownership

Third Parties

In many cases, third parties will maintain 100% ownership of products and/or services that they provide to us. This typically is encompassed by companies that provide Software as a Service (SAAS).


With the exception of projects that we expressly state in writing are not bound by this section, we will maintain 100% ownership rights to anything we create (e.g., accounts, domains, logos, media, standalone companies, websites, writing pieces, etc.), even if part or all of a creation includes elements pertaining to you, your company and/or some or all of its products, and/or information that you have provided to us.


You will maintain 100% ownership of anything that you own before we begin a project. You may also be provided with ownership rights to a certain piece that we create for you once we have received payment of the agreed-upon amount. Such an ownership conveyance would be expressly stated in writing by us and would include the use of a piece for commercial purposes, be perpetual, and be fully transferable. With this having been asserted, anything we produce for you, and anything that you provide to us, whether it has been copyrighted, patented, and/or trademarked or not, will be used in any manner that we see fit. This may include using it in its current form or modifying it.




Images and artwork that appear in association with our company on this website or any other material (e.g., a flyer, poster, etc.) may have been captured/created by us or by a third party; thus, an image may include individuals, objects, and/or locations that we have no affiliation with.


You are responsible for ensuring that any content (e.g., logos, catchphrases, images, etc.) that you may provide to us that has been wholly or partially created by another entity is authorized for our use. In the event that you violate this section, then you will be solely responsible for any damages that such an act may inflict upon a third party.


Submission Forms

You understand that we own any content (e.g., bios, comments, reviews, etc.)  that you provide through one or more of our submission forms; thus, we have the right to use any of the information (e.g., pictures, text, video, etc.) included in the submission form in any manner that we see fit, which may result in us altering the information for artistic value, succinctness, grammar, etc.



There may be instances in which we offer promotions such as buy one class and get one free, percentage-based discounts, fixed amount discounts, bonuses/gifts with purchases, etc. When or if a promotion is given, and its type/value, shall be determined by us. Having received one or more promotions does not guarantee that another one will be given again. Promotions cannot be combined. Some promotions are only available to eligible clients. Eligibility requirements are solely determined by us.


Gift Cards

A Birch & Ink gift card can be used to make one or more purchases on our website. A gift card will expire one year after its purchase date.


Affiliate/Referral Program

Our referral program is designed to reward you for referring others to our company. In most cases, you will be given a 5% reward/commission (up to $10.00 USD) for the first purchase made by an entity that you have referred to us. The reward is provided in the form of a credit that can be used to make purchases on our website. Rewards are only given for the first purchase; thus, any subsequent purchase that the entity makes will not result in you receiving an additional reward. To receive a reward, you must complete and submit a 'Reward Submission Form' within 30 days of referring the entity. You may locate the form on the 'Affiliates' page of this website. Each reward requires its own form.



We may, at our sole discretion, provide you with access to certain accounts/privileges (e.g., project management accounts, publishing software accounts, etc.) on third-party platforms. It is your responsibility to interact with any account that we authorize you to use in the manner in which we have specified that you are allowed to. Should you abuse any of your privileges by not following our instructions, or by violating the terms and agreement of a third party that facilitates a platform on which an account resides, then you will be held solely responsible for your actions.

Do note that we retain full ownership of any account that you may be given the privilege to use, irrespective of whether an account was created by using your information, thus, we may view the contents of, modify, temporarily suspend, or permanently revoke any of them at any time. Accounts/privileges shall solely be used for our company's business-related activities. (i.e., you are prohibited from using such accounts/privileges for personal matters.) ​


Employees and Freelancers

While an employee or a freelancer who works for our company is required to sign a contract instructing her or him on the manner in which he or she may behave, an employee may choose not to honor one or more terms of our contract. With this having been asserted, we are not responsible for her or his deviation from the agreed-upon terms; thus, if he or she engages in an activity that causes harm to you or another entity, then he or she is solely responsible for her or his actions, even if an action takes place while conducting business for our company (e.g., during a class, a project, etc.)


Third Parties

We may, at our sole discretion, choose to engage with third parties (e.g., teachers, freelancers, SAAS companies, printing agencies, etc.) for various purposes, which may result in us providing a third party with information regarding you. A third party may use various tools (e.g., Photoshop, AI, etc.) to assist them. We are not responsible for the manner in which third parties conduct themselves, thus, if a third party intentionally and/or unintentionally causes harm to you, then that third party is responsible for the result of any such harm, which may include, but is certainly not limited to, data retained, data loss, data corruption, failure to maintain its server(s), inadequate uptime, price modification, business model modification, misrepresentation, defamation, selling or distributing any of your information, and/or copyright, trademark, and/or patent infringement.



It may be necessary for us to create accounts that may require the use of your identification and/or accounts (e.g., financial, business, etc.) By entering this agreement, you are expressly authorizing us to use any information that you provide to us in a manner that we see fit. This may include supplying third parties with such information by performing data entry, voice communication, and/or sending copies via standard mail, e-mail, and/or one or more third-party platforms.


Non-Compete & Non-Solicitation Clause

At no point are you allowed to interact with our former, current, and/or prospective clients, contractors, employees, and/or other affiliates in a manner that encourages one or more of them to disengage from or alter their relationship with us.



Your engagement with us is strictly confidential; therefore, no part of any interaction that takes place between you and us, whether such an interaction is conducted by phone, text, e-mail, standard mail, videoconference, in-person, or through an authorized third-party or its platform shall be relayed to any entity that we have not given you permission to relay information to. This section also applies to the outcome of any arbitration that may take place between you and us (i.e., you are not permitted to share the outcome with anyone). The terms of this clause shall remain in perpetuity, irrespective of your relationship with our company.



By interacting with us in any capacity (e.g., visiting this website, e-mailing, attending a class, hosting a class, etc.), we may acquire and retain information regarding you and/or any device that you may use to facilitate an interaction with us or third parties. The information we collect, and the manner in which we use, store, and/or distribute such information, shall be determined by us. While we do not sell your information to third parties, we may provide them with part or all of the information that we have collected regarding you. Additionally, any activity that you engage in that concerns our company is subject to being monitored and/or recorded via video and/or audio during and/or after an interaction without further (i.e., notification beyond the one included in this privacy section) notification to you.


Our Protection

We assume no responsibility for any negative effect that may take place as a result of a product and/or service that has been provided to you. For example, should an entity (e.g., an individual, organization, government, etc.) have qualms with one or more of our creations (e.g., an edited section of a writing piece, an illustration, etc.), then you agree to hold us harmless and take full responsibility for the creation(s). Additionally, should an entity decide to direct its qualms toward our company for any reason that pertains to you and/or your affiliates, then you agree to indemnify and protect us in any reasonable manner that we see fit.



Should you have any qualms regarding a product, service, and/or the amount of a particular payment, then you must initiate a dispute in the manner delineated in this section within 5 days of the delivery of the product and/or service or within 30 days of having made a payment, whichever comes first, before proceeding forward with binding arbitration. Your dispute request must be in writing and should be sent to us directly using the e-mail address found in the 'Communication Channels' section of this agreement. Your dispute will formally begin when we have notified you that we have received the required e-letter. Do note, that initiating a dispute does not necessarily mean that you are entitled to whatever remedy you are seeking. Rather, it simply serves as the preliminary step in the dispute and resolution process. Should you fail to follow the steps outlined in this section, then you waive all rights to other remedies, including arbitration.


Class Action Lawsuit

You are prohibited from engaging in a class action lawsuit. Rather, any qualms that you may have must first be presented directly to us in the manner outlined in the 'Disputes' section of this agreement. Should a resolution not be met, then you may follow the steps delineated in the 'Binding Arbitration' section of this agreement.


Binding Arbitration

Should a dispute arise that cannot be mitigated between you and us through the dispute process outlined in the 'Disputes' section of this agreement, then all recourse for such a dispute, irrespective of who the initiator is, will take place by engaging in binding arbitration. If you choose to initiate the process, then you must do so within 180 days from the date on which the issue that you seek relief from took place. The entity that provides the arbitration service, the location in which the arbitration process will take place, and the date will be chosen at our sole discretion. The arbitrator’s decision would be considered final, which means that civil court proceedings would not be permitted. If it is determined that your claims are unfounded, then you will be responsible for paying all of the expenses that our company endured as a result of your initiation of the dispute.



Your use of this website constitutes an acknowledgment that you have completely read, understand, and agree to abide by the terms that have been delineated in this agreement, and that your participation in such an agreement does not violate the rights of another entity.


We need your consent to load the translations

We use a third-party service to translate the website content that may collect data about your activity. Please review the details in the privacy policy and accept the service to view the translations.